A collection of twelve decorative collectable cards, based on the influential Amazing Inventions.

No. 1
Steam Locomotive - 1814 - George Stephenson

No. 2
Camera - 1814 - Joseph Nicephore Niepce

No. 3
Electrical Execution Apparatus - 1888- H.P. Brown, A. Kennelly

No. 4
Typewriter - 1829 - W. A. Burt

No. 5
Revolver - 1836 - Daniel Buck

No. 6
Telegraph - 1837 - Samuel Morse

No. 7
Manned Glider - 1885 - Charles Kinnear

No. 8
Dynamite - 1866 - Alfred Nobel

No. 9
Cylinder Phonograph - 1877 - Thomas Edison

No. 10
Player Piano - 1881 - Edward Leveaux

No. 11
Electric Light Bulb - 1878 - Thomas Edison

No. 12
Fountain Pen -1884 - Lewis Waterman
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