Old Friends

Looking for information on the O'Driscolls' planned train job, Dutch leads the gang into an attack on their camp.

☐ Catch and hogtie Kieran within 45 seconds

☐ Kill 3 O'Driscolls in the same Dead Eye use

☐ Complete within 15 minutes 30 seconds

☐ Get 15 headshots

☐ Complete the mission without taking any health items


Ride with the gang to find the O'Driscoll camp. You have 15 minutes 30 seconds to complete this mission. But there's not much you can do to speed things up. CUTSCENES DO NOT COUNT. 


Once you reach the camp and Dutch gives a speech, you can already get up the hill to win some time. After witnessing Colm beating the shit out of Kieran, grab your Carbine Repeater from your horse and follow Dutch down the hill. 


Again, there's not much you can do to speed things up because you can't get in front of Dutch. When you get to Bill and Micah's location, you can win some seconds by starting to shoot the O'Driscolls and not wait for Dutch. You need 15 headshots, so aim for their heads. 


After the shootout, loot some bodies until you hear shots in the distance. Take cover and wait for three O'Driscolls to get in your peripheral vision. This is the best moment to kill 3 O'Driscolls in the same Dead Eye use. 


Advance or defend and take out all the O'Driscolls. You'll get a prompt to refill your Dead Eye but avoid taking any health items - take either Chewing Tobacco or Snake Oil. 


Regroup at the camp and wait for Dutch to whistle for his horse before looting the building. Otherwise, Dutch will keep calling you and you will lose time. Pick up the dynamite and a cutscene will start. 


On your way back to camp, you'll find Kieran at the river. Lasso him within 45 seconds and ride back to camp as fast as you can. You can win some time by cutting the last corner and not hitching your horse. 


If you've not yet played The Aftermath of Genesis, the gold medal will appear on your screen. 

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