John hasn't returned from an earlier scouting trip. Arthur and Javier ride out into the snow to look for him.

☐ Kill all the wolves without taking any damage
☐ Complete with at least 80% accuracy
Ride out with Javier to look for John. When you find a campsite, follow the tracks until you find John's horse, dead.
Make your way to John's location and pick him up. He's badly hurt and needs to be carried. On your way back to the horses, three wolves come running down the hill.
You need to take out the wolves without taking any damage. The problem is you can fire only two shots at a time. Climb up the ledge on your right, it will buy some time to reload the shotgun and shoot the third wolf. If you take damage in any way, you have to restart the mission.
Make your shots count, because you need 80% accuracy to get the gold medal. Get back to your horse and ride with Javier and John back to camp. More wolves will attack. Shoot only if it's an easy shot; it's easy to miss while on horseback. You can also put away your weapon and just trample the wolves with your horse.
Ride back to camp. The gold medal will appear on the screen after the cutscene.
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